OK so here's the problem:
I babysit my niece and nephew from Saturday to Wednesday fro 2 to 12. The other day my sister threw her knee out so I was like you know I'll stay the night and watch the kids so she doesn't have to get up when my niece wakes up in the middle of the night. Since I was doing that i couldn't go to sleep till about four in the morning because I sleep like a rock so if she cried I wouldn't hear her all the way in the living room. Fine. So that night I got a total of two hours of sleep. The next day my sister goes to the hospital for her knee and she gets a brace so I spent the night again that night I got a total of three hours of sleep. The next day my sister has a knee doctor apt so I stayed and babysat. That night I got about six hours of sleep, which was more then the other two days but I was still running on 12 hours of sleep for three days.
OK now to the problem. I basically babysat for 72 hours nonstop for free (I get paid $80 every two weeks) I dint ask for any extra money or anything like that. So I come home yesterday and get the first full nights sleep in three days and then woke up and had a lovely thanksgiving with my family. After dinner and we came home I sat on the floor and played some Call Of Duty for a little while. In he middle of the game my sister calls me and asks I can babysit today. My answer was no. Thursday and Fridays are my only two days when I can get stuff done and most the time I go over there and babysit for free on my off days. So am I wrong for saying no? I didn't have kids and they aren't my responsibility. I'm a 17 year old girl who can't even spend the night over her best friends house because she has to work on the weekend. I have pretty much given up my whole entire social life to babysit and she gets an attitude when I don't want to babysit for one day? I have the right to sit at home and stare at a white wall all day on my off days don't I? I have the right to say no, right? I'm not a horrible person because I charge my sister to babysit her kids am I? If this is my supposed "job" I have the right to get pair, right?
Maybe I'm just ranting but I feel really really used right now. I can't go out and have fun because I have to watch two kids that's rent even mine 24-7. I have a right to actually be off on my off days don't I? Then why do I feel so bad for saying no to babysitting? Like I said before I just feel used.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Rant, rant, rant
Posted by lilruby2010 at 1:33 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 21, 2009
A Novel Problem =/
So I know I don't post on my blog the way I'm suppose to but I'm super busy now a days. But since I am writing a novel I need to do some sort of writing everyday and I figured that this was a good place to do it. I mostly chose to write here because I want to rant and it wont fit in 140 characters.
So as i mentioned earlier I am writing a novel. I was trying to finish it for National Novel Writing Month or NaNoWriMo but that's not going to happen. I'm only 3 chapters and a prologue in. But here's my problem I have a good 25 to 30 pages written out on notebook paper which will go in chapters to come. I have no problem jumping around and writing different scenes I just don't know how to connect the scenes together. Put it this way, I'm in the middle of chapter 3 and I have the end of chapter 3 written out on notebook paper. So why can I not finish the chapter? Because I have no freaking clue how to connect the middle to the end. I have to come up with some conversation or action to tie them together and if you know me I suck at plotting. Everything is in my head. These characters have a mind of their own. They do what they want when they want and don't fill in the minimal details for me.
See writing the screenplay version was easier for some odd reason. I didn't need all of these little tiny details. I didn't need to explain how the main character feels or is thinking. All of that was there in stage direction and foot notes. But writing a novel there is no stage notes and everything has to be written out in paragraph form.
Did I make a mistake writing this novel in first person? Should I start over? I don't want to scrap the story because I like it. Actually I love this story. I've been developing the main characters in this story for almost three years and maybe that's the reason they have a mind of their own. maybe that's why I cant control my thoughts about them. Maybe its because I've already written a 3 part screenplay and I already know where their relationship goes.... maybe I should just start a brand new novel but then those three years will go down the drain wont they?
Writing a novel is STRESSFUL.
Posted by lilruby2010 at 9:36 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Thinking about Breaking Dawn at 5Am
OK so i was thinking...i know thinking at five in the morning is never a good sign. but i was reading Breaking Dawn form the Twilight Saga and i got to chapter 32. i realized that there is a whole lot of Vampires in this book. now they are planning on making this book into a movie right? right, so they are going to have to cast all of these vampires. Now the official New Moon website was just launched (and i spent a good half an hour on the website just looking around and i must say its pretty damn cool) and they showed the whole main cast. I know they wont have to show all of these vampires on the official Breaking Dawn website but i think they might just like crash IMDB.com. I'm just saying the Twilight/New Moon/Eclipse cast is already super freaking huge. Just think they are going to have to add the Denali's and the Irish coven all the nomads the old Romanian guys (and no i did not use the vampire index i know the names of all the vampires off the top of my head :p) the Egyptians not to mention the Vulturi guard, the wives and the witnesses... can i just say that's a lot of freaking people... i hope Breaking Dawn has a very large budget because they are going to need it.
Hey, if they need some extras just let me know i will kindly be a Volturi witness :D
But that was just me thinking at five in the morning i will post again prob on Monday or Sunday :D
Posted by lilruby2010 at 1:59 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
OK so i said i was going to post Sunday night or Monday morning but i didn't have the time to do it yesterday so I'm doing it now.
so my week. last Monday all i did was clean my room and get caught up on some shows that i missed. so nothing exciting there. on Tuesday I babysat for a while then came back home.then i made a banner for this thing but i got the dimensions wrong and i couldn't fix it because i had to go to bed so i could get up in the morning and go shopping with my sister. On Wednesday i got up early and went shopping with my sister then she left and went to a family reunion so i stayed with my grandmother until Sunday. the rest of Wednesday i talked to my friend Kelsi and working on my layout for this blog. on Thursday i worked on entering into a scholarship contest and i did that all day long.
So Friday was a bad day. i found out the i have to go to a military academy for my senior year. this is really hard to write about so I'm not going to go into detail about it. i just want to say thank you to Kelsi for being there for me and caring about me. on Saturday and Sunday i didn't do very much of anything bit i chilled out and tried to bounce back form Friday. yesterday i got my mew camera. its a new Cannon PowerShot A480. I'm very excited about it and i loved taking pictures with it. so that was my week in a nutshell i will update again on Monday :D
Posted by lilruby2010 at 11:45 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 13, 2009
Long time no see :p
It has been brought to my attention that I have not updated my blog since what May? Well here I am updating.
OK since my last update I moved from VA to MD. We've been here for about two months I think. I'm happy that I'm back in Maryland but I hate the part of town we live in. Its sooo far away from my friends and its hard to get over there to see them. Its kind of sad :(
The other bad part of being so far away is that the high school I want to go to is out of zone. So when we called the school to see what I needed to do for out of zone that told me I had to pay tuition. I that much I'd expected. Its a nice school and I figured two or three hundred a semester was what I was going to have to spend. My councilor told me I would have to pay $140,000 to go to school....I asked her if she was on crack. I could go to massage therapy school 15 and a half times for that much money. I'm planning on asking my parents to put me into a private school. I don't want to go to public school around here.
But any ways... my birthday was on the 7th and i'm 17 now. My birthday actually really sucked. yeah it was a craptastic day but i did get a guitar and a new Mp3 so that was cool.
heres a video of my birthday
Its the only clip that i got because the rest of the day, like I said before, was craptastic
I've also stared writing a novel. Any one whos knows me knows that I write a whole lot but it like Fanfictions i call them "Stories" because thats all they are but i'm turning one of my favorite stories into a novel. I've been writing the story since... the 10th grade I think so I've know the characters for about three years now and I feel that I can write a novel with ease. But its harder then you think I get writters block and I jump arond alot. So most of my time is spent finding ways to connect the scenes but its comming out pretty good it think :D
But i think that's it...yeah i will be updating more often now that its summer and I have to time.
Posted by lilruby2010 at 9:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 2, 2009
ok so my posts are always like super far sprad out. sorry about that. i've been kind of busy and i havent really felt like writing in this blog along with my myspace and youtube and facebook and then the piles of homework i've been having its been really herd. i did fing a new way to keep in touch. you can go to my twitter and i try to update that as much a possible so...yeah....
ok let me think....oh i went to righdance for those who didnt know and i had a great time with my five dates. we got a white lime and partied like rockstars until like 4Am... it was crazy fun.... i think thats it for now other then announcing all the love that i have for KIN4LIFE the group. they do their thing and i have much respect for them no matter what. if you dont know who they are just google or use myspace and you'll find them. the best music you can possibly listen to no lie. i'm like a die hard fan. ok well ttyl.
Posted by lilruby2010 at 5:27 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
hey!!! I'm just writing because I'm bored. uhhh nothing much going on just chilling and going through school one day at a time. I Had to dress up for school today. i told me family i hater it bur i really did love it a lot. I enjoyed getting all dolled up. and i LOVED all the attention i got when ever i walked down the halls. it was like every one was looking at me when i walked by and i really like it :P i know its horrible for one day i felt really hot!!! i got so many compliments its was crazy!!
OK and i found a new cool song that's to one of my friends. its called Oh oh oh sexy Vampire. its techno and so crazy but it reminds me of Twilight and me being a total Twilighter i love anything that reminds me of the Cullen's. I also really like the song Move if you wonna by Mims. it is a great song to dance to and every one knows i how i like to dance like no one is watching even when people are watching. lol well that's it for now I'm going to go look 4 more new music =]
Posted by lilruby2010 at 4:57 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 6, 2009
ok so today is a good day. no stress and not pain...well other then the fact that me nose is stuffed up cuz i'm getting over a cold... but I can deal with that. life is just looking up for me. The only thing I would like to change right now....is getting the ball to talk to some one but thats my own problem right now. nothing new but the fact that I get to move bact to MD in April or June. If i move in April i'm going to finish the school year here in VA but if i move in June...i'm just going to move. Either way i'll be doing my senior year in MD. I'll prob be at Blair too so thats good. I catn wait untill i get out of this boring ass state. Dont get me wrong i love VA its my home town or whatever but i love the city a lot more. I dont have to be in the house all the time when i'm in MD but here.... there is no metro in Va so i have no way of getting around. but yeah i'm just going on for no reason
I have to learn how to update this thing more often.. well thats all for now
Posted by lilruby2010 at 5:28 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 30, 2009
man this feels good!!
OK so I haven't blogged in god knows how long. BUT i have good news....life is all good...lol. I know that was random but it was weird. I was on my way home like everyday and my friend asked me a question that I hadn't answered in a long time he said "so Deanna...how life?" and I was about to answer and usually I would of said oh life is shitty or what ever but I had to stop myself because life is good. life is actually really good. I'm not stressed at all and I have no problems. In a few weeks I'm going to ring dance with five of my friends in a limo. I got a hot dress and I'm getting my nails and hair done. its been a long time since i could actually sit back and be like "damn I aint got shit to worry about" and you know I love this feeling its strange to me though its something i have to get use to. now life would be complete if i could find a girlfriend or find the courage to ask my crush out.
Posted by lilruby2010 at 5:33 PM 0 comments