Tuesday, July 21, 2009

OK so i said i was going to post Sunday night or Monday morning but i didn't have the time to do it yesterday so I'm doing it now.
so my week. last Monday all i did was clean my room and get caught up on some shows that i missed. so nothing exciting there. on Tuesday I babysat for a while then came back home.then i made a banner for this thing but i got the dimensions wrong and i couldn't fix it because i had to go to bed so i could get up in the morning and go shopping with my sister. On Wednesday i got up early and went shopping with my sister then she left and went to a family reunion so i stayed with my grandmother until Sunday. the rest of Wednesday i talked to my friend Kelsi and working on my layout for this blog. on Thursday i worked on entering into a scholarship contest and i did that all day long.
So Friday was a bad day. i found out the i have to go to a military academy for my senior year. this is really hard to write about so I'm not going to go into detail about it. i just want to say thank you to Kelsi for being there for me and caring about me. on Saturday and Sunday i didn't do very much of anything bit i chilled out and tried to bounce back form Friday. yesterday i got my mew camera. its a new Cannon PowerShot A480. I'm very excited about it and i loved taking pictures with it. so that was my week in a nutshell i will update again on Monday :D