Monday, March 2, 2009

ok so my posts are always like super far sprad out. sorry about that. i've been kind of busy and i havent really felt like writing in this blog along with my myspace and youtube and facebook and then the piles of homework i've been having its been really herd. i did fing a new way to keep in touch. you can go to my twitter and i try to update that as much a possible so...yeah....
ok let me think....oh i went to righdance for those who didnt know and i had a great time with my five dates. we got a white lime and partied like rockstars until like 4Am... it was crazy fun.... i think thats it for now other then announcing all the love that i have for KIN4LIFE the group. they do their thing and i have much respect for them no matter what. if you dont know who they are just google or use myspace and you'll find them. the best music you can possibly listen to no lie. i'm like a die hard fan. ok well ttyl.