Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Thinking about Breaking Dawn at 5Am

OK so i was thinking...i know thinking at five in the morning is never a good sign. but i was reading Breaking Dawn form the Twilight Saga and i got to chapter 32. i realized that there is a whole lot of Vampires in this book. now they are planning on making this book into a movie right? right, so they are going to have to cast all of these vampires. Now the official New Moon website was just launched (and i spent a good half an hour on the website just looking around and i must say its pretty damn cool) and they showed the whole main cast. I know they wont have to show all of these vampires on the official Breaking Dawn website but i think they might just like crash IMDB.com. I'm just saying the Twilight/New Moon/Eclipse cast is already super freaking huge. Just think they are going to have to add the Denali's and the Irish coven all the nomads the old Romanian guys (and no i did not use the vampire index i know the names of all the vampires off the top of my head :p) the Egyptians not to mention the Vulturi guard, the wives and the witnesses... can i just say that's a lot of freaking people... i hope Breaking Dawn has a very large budget because they are going to need it.
Hey, if they need some extras just let me know i will kindly be a Volturi witness :D

But that was just me thinking at five in the morning i will post again prob on Monday or Sunday :D

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

OK so i said i was going to post Sunday night or Monday morning but i didn't have the time to do it yesterday so I'm doing it now.
so my week. last Monday all i did was clean my room and get caught up on some shows that i missed. so nothing exciting there. on Tuesday I babysat for a while then came back home.then i made a banner for this thing but i got the dimensions wrong and i couldn't fix it because i had to go to bed so i could get up in the morning and go shopping with my sister. On Wednesday i got up early and went shopping with my sister then she left and went to a family reunion so i stayed with my grandmother until Sunday. the rest of Wednesday i talked to my friend Kelsi and working on my layout for this blog. on Thursday i worked on entering into a scholarship contest and i did that all day long.
So Friday was a bad day. i found out the i have to go to a military academy for my senior year. this is really hard to write about so I'm not going to go into detail about it. i just want to say thank you to Kelsi for being there for me and caring about me. on Saturday and Sunday i didn't do very much of anything bit i chilled out and tried to bounce back form Friday. yesterday i got my mew camera. its a new Cannon PowerShot A480. I'm very excited about it and i loved taking pictures with it. so that was my week in a nutshell i will update again on Monday :D

Monday, July 13, 2009

Long time no see :p

It has been brought to my attention that I have not updated my blog since what May? Well here I am updating.
OK since my last update I moved from VA to MD. We've been here for about two months I think. I'm happy that I'm back in Maryland but I hate the part of town we live in. Its sooo far away from my friends and its hard to get over there to see them. Its kind of sad :(
The other bad part of being so far away is that the high school I want to go to is out of zone. So when we called the school to see what I needed to do for out of zone that told me I had to pay tuition. I that much I'd expected. Its a nice school and I figured two or three hundred a semester was what I was going to have to spend. My councilor told me I would have to pay $140,000 to go to school....I asked her if she was on crack. I could go to massage therapy school 15 and a half times for that much money. I'm planning on asking my parents to put me into a private school. I don't want to go to public school around here.
But any ways... my birthday was on the 7th and i'm 17 now. My birthday actually really sucked. yeah it was a craptastic day but i did get a guitar and a new Mp3 so that was cool.
heres a video of my birthday

Its the only clip that i got because the rest of the day, like I said before, was craptastic
I've also stared writing a novel. Any one whos knows me knows that I write a whole lot but it like Fanfictions i call them "Stories" because thats all they are but i'm turning one of my favorite stories into a novel. I've been writing the story since... the 10th grade I think so I've know the characters for about three years now and I feel that I can write a novel with ease. But its harder then you think I get writters block and I jump arond alot. So most of my time is spent finding ways to connect the scenes but its comming out pretty good it think :D
But i think that's it...yeah i will be updating more often now that its summer and I have to time.
