Saturday, November 21, 2009

A Novel Problem =/

So I know I don't post on my blog the way I'm suppose to but I'm super busy now a days. But since I am writing a novel I need to do some sort of writing everyday and I figured that this was a good place to do it. I mostly chose to write here because I want to rant and it wont fit in 140 characters.
So as i mentioned earlier I am writing a novel. I was trying to finish it for National Novel Writing Month or NaNoWriMo but that's not going to happen. I'm only 3 chapters and a prologue in. But here's my problem I have a good 25 to 30 pages written out on notebook paper which will go in chapters to come. I have no problem jumping around and writing different scenes I just don't know how to connect the scenes together. Put it this way, I'm in the middle of chapter 3 and I have the end of chapter 3 written out on notebook paper. So why can I not finish the chapter? Because I have no freaking clue how to connect the middle to the end. I have to come up with some conversation or action to tie them together and if you know me I suck at plotting. Everything is in my head. These characters have a mind of their own. They do what they want when they want and don't fill in the minimal details for me.
See writing the screenplay version was easier for some odd reason. I didn't need all of these little tiny details. I didn't need to explain how the main character feels or is thinking. All of that was there in stage direction and foot notes. But writing a novel there is no stage notes and everything has to be written out in paragraph form.
Did I make a mistake writing this novel in first person? Should I start over? I don't want to scrap the story because I like it. Actually I love this story. I've been developing the main characters in this story for almost three years and maybe that's the reason they have a mind of their own. maybe that's why I cant control my thoughts about them. Maybe its because I've already written a 3 part screenplay and I already know where their relationship goes.... maybe I should just start a brand new novel but then those three years will go down the drain wont they?
Writing a novel is STRESSFUL.
